All about platform economy, ecosystems, building, methods, news and communities.
Overview and strategies of existing platforms
Who are the platform kings?
Learn more about the current platform companies and their strategies on how they are changing the markets.
Platform economy in Germany
What is the status in Germany?
How do German companies
deal with and understand the platform economy?Platforms change
market rulesHow are platforms built?
Platforms are different from
linear and traditional business models. How can theychange market rules?
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How the platform economy is changing market mechanisms and business models
Pipe vs. Platform
In contrast to traditional linear business models, platform business models are based on interactions between demand and supply or producer and customer.
Information economy
Platform models analyze interaction data along information economics criteria and derive new approaches to two-sided/multi-sided markets (and network effects).
Platform types
Platform models are transforming markets by establishing alliances in dynamic ecosystems and focusing on the elements of transaction, innovation, and interaction.
Dynamic ecosystems
Platform models analyze dynamic ecosystems and define new value streams and new network effects based on complementary alliances.
Market changes
By leveraging dynamic ecosystems and alliances, platforms are able to model new markets and change existing mechanisms.
Capital shift
The establishment of new market mechanisms leads to a new platform-based market meta structure, which shifts trading venues and thus value and capital flows to the platform business models.
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...support to develop a platform strategy,
...assistance in building your own platform / ecosystem,
...advice on how to behave on platforms,
...in-house seminars on the platform economy or
...a speaker on the platform economy. - IHRE NACHRICHT AN UNS
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